Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ahhh, fall


I LOVE fall. I cannt express how much I adore this season. Especially here in Grand Junction, it seems to be especially perfect. The weather is getting cooler, with some days being even gloomy and grey and I just breathe in the cool, crisp air and smile. I love everything about it, canning season, the beautiful colors on the trees, back to school (oh yeah) getting ready for the holidays and all the birthdays...I love it all. I have been running around like crazy taking kids to school, running errands, messing up my kitchen canning apple pie filling and RoTel tomatoes etc. This weekend everything slowed down though, and I have had some time to just sit and enjoy it all. My kitchen finally got cleaned, and then I made soup and sugar cooies. The kids were out of school for parent teacher conferences and Chris was actually HOME. We have had rain for the past few days and it has been lovely sitting in our cozy little house enjoying each other. The boys watched Harry Potter and Chris and I were able to enjoy the hot tub. It couldn't be more perfect!
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1 comment:

Blogging and Bliss said...

Sounds like contentment. I spent last weekend in said veg too! We loved it very much.