Thursday, February 4, 2010

32 weeks!

To a pregnant lady with twins, this is awesome! It means that if my babies decided they needed out now, that most likely they would survive and have no long term health problems. They would be in the hospital for a few weeks learning how to eat and keep warm, but they would be ok. I am so relieved to get to this point, still be pregnant and still have healthy babies inside! Each day I get a little bigger, and my poor body sure aches like it at night! It is getting more and more real to me, and I am getting so excited to see their little faces and get to know who they are. After having so many miscarriages, I still am somewhat cautious about counting on everything coming out well- but that is just my experiences talking. I know we have been so blessed with one more chance to bring some new little spirits into this world. They are such a miracle! I need to settle down and try to enjoy this last pregnancy, it really is neat to see my whole belly move when they are squirming around. It is hard to really enjoy it when they make me so uncomfortable though, I just keep telling myself it won't be much longer!

1 comment:

Torrey said...

Glad to hear that everything is going well. Carrying twins is an amazing experience. It's something I will always treasure. You look great Juliette! You are such a wonderful Mom and I truly admire you.