Wednesday, April 13, 2011

5 Minutes before Church

Sunday mornings are a bit chaotic for me. Chris is gone by 6:00 am and I am left to fend for myself and get us all to church before 9. Some Sundays, it is all I can do to get there on time only to find I have forgotten some important items like bottles for the babies. Other Sundays, I must be pushed along by unseen angels and find that I have enough time left over to snap a quick picture of my sweet kids before we herd into the bus.

Last Sunday, it was a beautiful day and I wanted to get a picture of my kids in their church duds. This is what I got after 5 minutes of cajoling and making funny faces. Yeah, it is far from perfect with the sun in their eyes and Alex refusing to smile and the babies trying to crawl away. That's ok. I love it, because it is them. It is a moment in time that I can hold on to when most days time seems to be slipping through my fingers.

We did make it to church on time, but I still forgot the bottles. I survived.


holmes said...

i cant believe how BIG the babies are getting!

Dolly said...

This reminds me so much of growing up in Alaska with all my brothers and sisters. I was in charge of the diaper bag...and more than once, it was left behind in the kitchen or if it made it to church-the parking lot!

Good job cousin! Better YOU than me:)

Melonie Harris said...

Hahahaha oh girl!! Way to go!! You Rock!!